Hello Kitty Touching Lip

Rabu, 25 Juni 2014


a. Daily activity: Someone's daily activity will effect to the other aspect of his life, because daily activity is image of how  the person go through his life, if someone's daily activity is good so his life is good. Daily activity is Routine activities that people tend to do every day without needing assistance. As like what I said before daily’s activity is someone’s image, when bad person want to remake their achievement one of the important thing is to change their habitually in his daily life.  As one of the factor that can make the person’s achievement, research in this term is an important thing, some people think that daily activity is not an important thing and didn’t give any impact to their character, but in fact although daily activity is a micro thing in our life but it is a form of person consistent toward their intention life in this world.  So the main problem in this problem is:
1.    How the daily activity can influence our achievement
2.    And how we can make good daily activity

Environment (transek, campus environment and kinship):
Beside daily activity there are many things that can build someone’s achievement which are: environment and season. According to Empires’ theory by john lock that explain environment is one of the important thing that will influence or make our achievement or characteristics. The environment defied into three kinds: family’s environment, environment where he life (campus) and season. Family’s environment will determined person achievement because family is the first place we build our basic achievement and the one who build that is our family, after in family’s environment we will face the social environment place where we life and season also would influence our achievement, the reason why the season would influence our achievement is because season would first influence our social environment and in the end it will influence us as a part of that environment. For the example the world cup season, most of people like foot ball and because of that they tried to make people around them like foot ball too. After we like foot ball game we would try to do anything for foot ball for example: playing foot ball and watch foot ball match even at midnight. That’s the way how season would influence our achievement.
The problems in this mini research are:
1. How family’s environment would give influence to our achievement?
2. How campus environment would give influence to our achievement?
3. How transek campus would give influence to our achievement?
4. And the last one is How season would give influence to our achievement?
This mini research try to find out
5. how some factors above would influence our achievement. Hoped this mini research would help some people to help to repair their bad achievement to the good achievement
 a. How the daily activity can influence our achievement and how to build a good daily activity?
2.    How transek campus would give influence to our achievement?
3.    How campus environment would give influence to our achievement?
4.    And the last one is How season would give influence to our achievement?
5.    How family’s environment would give influence to our achievement?

a.  Daily activity
From the questioner that I had given to three people in my dormitory showed that: 
I take the sample from my dorm in IAIN Gorontalo. from picture above showed that they are have similar activity. They sleep and wake up almost in the same hour. their campus life is the same because they came from the same class in campus, the different activity is just the time when they play and study.
This transek is from ma’had Fatimah to campus (PBI building), on the way to campus the things that can you find are:
·   Micro teaching and library building on the left side
·   Interjection  
·   Aula building 
·   Trash place at the back of campus building 
·   And  campus PBI building ant the right side 
·   Too silence
·   Difficult to find transportation
·   the person who used to live in city would be loner
·   there is no enthusiasm to compete with other university because the place is soo desolate.
·   the person who dependence to their parent learn to be independent.
C. Campus Environment campus is a place where we do in the direction of learning activities and programmed properly. Socially campus means all activities between faculty and students that includes learning activities, social interaction and personal communication between campus residents. So the school campus environment is an environment where faculty and students teaching and learning activities as well as social interaction and personal communication between campus residents The things that need to be considered within the campus include:
1.    Atmosphere of teaching and learning
2.    Facilities and infrastructure
3.    Way of teaching
4.    Friend of the class
The things that we can find in the campus (college) environment are:
a.  Post satpam 
b.  Campus building (PBA/PBI and Tafsir Hadis building)
c.  Trash place behind the campus building.
d.  Aula building
e.  Rectorat building
f.   Girls dorm 1(Fatimah)
g.  Micro teaching 
h.  Library building
i.    Boys dorm
j.    Foot ball  field
k.  Mosque
l.    Girls dorm 2(Aisyah)
m. Much tree
n.  Much Animals
in the picture about season there are sixteen seasons for example: 
·         Graduation season,  
·         Examination, 
·         Harvest, 
·         Fasting,  
·         Birth, 
·         planting ,
·         Durian, 
·         Mango
The season in the picture is seasons that used happen in Gorontalo district. 
 E. Kinship
The picture above describe the three family of mine, i have a small family, our religion is Islam and I and my  father's side family live in Gorontalo and my mother's side family live in central celebes. as a family as like family in general my family educate their children hoped that the children will be a good person. We are educate to be honest, brave, responsible with all of our duty and to be nice with all of the people. My family is the one who teach me to have good achievement.
Family environment is a miniature of the society and his life so that the introduction of a family member will certainly give a little more color on the views of children to live in a society. The things that need to be considered within the family include: socioeconomic status, learning environment, parenting parents, and parental support.


a.             Daily activity The example of the daily habitually are three girls from the same university IAIN Sultan Amai Gorontalo and live in a same dormitory. The result of the research are they are had similar habitually in daily activity. That’s maybe caused because They a have same education from the university, that make them have similar schedule in daily activity. The good achievement showed from their daily life for example they usually do their obligation toward their god (Allah SWT) and didn’t forget to do their college task. That proofed that  they have good achievement.
B. Transek campus
My campus is in Limboto,at Pone village on top of a From a hill. It has nice weather and free from the vehicle pollution.  From the map there just good environment. Except the trash place. The trash place is not good there, because it so close to the campus building. It will disturb students concentration, the smog from burn the trash would make person croup.
Because the campus and the dorm is included in Islamic Institute so the regulation is included islam regulation, we have to close our “aurat”, we have to do our obligation  s to our god and else, we all are educated to be a good Islam person (Muslim). Because the environment support us to be a good Muslim it really help us to build a good achievement.
C.     Campus environment.
In transek map, just show my way from dorm to campus, in this section would explain a whole second campus environment. Same with the description from the transek map the problem is just the trash place. Because almost all of the trash is just tree’s leaf it will not have bad smell but it’s really disturb our study if the cleaning service burn the trash at study‘s time.
D.     Seasons. The season would influence our achievement is because season would first influence our social environment and in the end it will influence us as a part of that environment.

E.     Kinship Family is the first environment that we meet after we being born in this word. they are teach the basic achievement to their children, so in the first of all parents is the first one who make who we are. 

a.           Daily activity To be a good person we all must have a strong passionate to be one. After that we have to    show our passionate with all of what we do. First of all we have to fix our daily activity throw all the useless habit and change that with the good one.

B. transect from dorm to campus 
Transect map is the map that show your environment where you live. When your live environment don’t support you to be a good person. So that is your task to change the environment be a good one. 

C. Campus environment
Campus is place you studied many lessons, do the good lesson and leave the bad one. 

D. Season 
The seasons will give influence to the member of the environment, either it is good or bad. when Examination season come we have to learn (study hurt) as a student, we have to  adapt our self with the season around us.

E.  Kinship
Family is one of the important things, our life begin from a family they help us to be the good person and en graft us with good achievement so our task is to make them happy.

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