Hello Kitty Touching Lip

Kamis, 26 Juni 2014


1. Guru dalam Kebudayaan Masyarakat Agraris Tradisional

2. Kedudukan guru secara sosio-antropologis

3. Masyarakat, Agama & Kekerabatan

4. Analisis Antroologi tentang Sistem Pendidikan

5.Hakikat Antropologi Pendidikan


Rabu, 25 Juni 2014



A.  Daily activities

From the picture, I take 3 girls as my sample of daily activities. 2 respondents have a similar activity from wake up to lunch because they are in the same class the different just when they after lunch, And  the last girl not same with both of them, because of she is not the same class.
The first and second girls wake up on the same time (05.00 am) to pray subuh and then on 07.00 am take a bath, after that on 07.30 am breakfast and then go to campus on 08.00 on 08.00 am to 01.00 pm they have class. After that lunch after go back from campus. And then They are take a rest , hours after wake up she take a bath. The second girl after lunch, she rest for an hour after wake up and cleaning the room, so, I always call her clean girl, because a day she can cleaning the room around 3-4 times. After cleaning the room she will go to take a bath. And then they have a same activities from 06.00 pm to 10.00 pm. After do the task. The first girl wil watching movie or online till 24.00. the second girl watching movie till 11.30 pm.
The third girl is different from both of responden before. She wake up and go to campus on the same time with them, but she go back from the campus on 11.00 am. After that lunch and then pray dzuhur. After pray she take a rest for some hours, after wake up she will pray ashar and then go to take a bath04.30 pm. And sometimes she walk around the campus with her friends. She has a same activities with 2 respondends before after pray magrib and she always sleep on 11.00 am.  
So, I think our daily activities have a big effect to our education. Because it has a big effect to out achievement.
B. Transect to campus
Micro teaching
b)    Library
c)    Interjection
d)    Aula building
e)    Campus building
f)     And sometime you will fid some trash.
This transeck from the dormitory to campus, you will find library and micro teaching in front of the dorm, then you will find interjection, you have to go straight, on the way you will find aula building in left side and the right side you will find campus building. On the way to campus sometimes you will find trash, like plastic, wrapping snack and tree leafs. The our transeck to campus have an effect to our education, Why student residence distance away from campus attendance rate is less, the problem is caused by several things: The first is the distance to the campus residence, mileage greatly affect why the attendance is less regular (often late and did not go to college), because the problem This very complex ranging from rare journey that much, then the state of the roads is increasingly crowded, which makes the journey stalled, then the problem may be like an accident or a flat tire, it is very influential in the student's presence on campus. But sometimes the students also who lived near campus it could be late as well, due to several factors, including underestimating the time. all depends on yourself

c.    Campus environment

 We can find some things in the campus:
1.    Rektorat building
2.    Aula
3.    Girls dorm
4.    Boys dorm
5.    Library
6.    Micro teaching
7.    Mosque
8.    Society’s house
9.    Post satpam
10.  Football
11.  Tree
12.  TH dormitory
With all of facilities in this campus, I think this campus has a good area, beside of all things above. In this campus there is an internet acces that’s makes the student be easily to get a new information about everything because they can browsing and searching in the internet. We can call this campus “ Green Campus“, because the location is so strategies with a nature environment. So student can study well, because away from crowded places.

D. Season 

From the picture, there are many season, that are:
a)    Graduation
b)    Examination
c)    Harvest
d)    Fasting
e)    Birth
f)     Durian
g)    Langsat.
h)    Ketupat
i)      Rambutan
j)      Mango
k)    Corn
Season is one of the events in the earth in the annual period, generally based on the change in a year's time based on the weather. In gorontalo district there are many season, for example we can see on the picture above, season have an effect to our education for example right now. It football season, there so many people not only adult but also the student especially boys, sometime, they will not sleep all over the night just for watching the football, of course it will effect to themselves , they will sleepy when they in the class room. Also, durian’s season have an effect to students education, because sometime they will waiting for durian until morning, and of course they will sleepy in the class when teacher is teaching. Season will effect our education if we can’t to adapt.

E. Kinship 

picture above tell us about my family, my mother’s parents have 4 children, 3 son and 1 daughter My father is the second  children. My parents name is Yusuf Maino And Sahara Husain. I have 2 sisters and 1 brother my sister names is Nurain Maino and Isnawati Maino. And my brother name is Dafrisyanto Maino. Family is first and foremost the media that directly or indirectly affect a person's behavior in development including learning achievement. Family education is fundamental or basic than further education. If the pattern of character education in the family has been developed well, with the child it self will be easier to receive character education in schools. Similarly, when a child should be in contact with the social environment.